Saturday, December 09, 2006

A friend's dilemma in NS..

Ever since I passed out from BMT, I'd feel a sense of satisfaction to life live to the best I can. Time has never ever been as precious as what I am experiencing now. Especially so ever since a friend of mine has been facing problems facing the reality of befriending a girl in the midst of NS. It must be a challenge for him to tell me how much little time he has to balance to take the chance to take her out for a simple dinner or even to send her home. It takes so much out of him to make a simple phone call to her for he is afraid to anger the traditional parents who curfews the daughter to calls till 11 when he knows he only has time after 10. It's madness he tells me, when he is crazy in love with her but thr is little but a sign that she likes him. Time is ticking away. He feels exasperated at the general statements many make that ALL NS GUYS ARE DESPERATELY DESPERATE FOR FEMALE ATTENTION! I don't understand this point at all, cause i never believed it to be true. I must agree that in NS, we happily talk abt girls cause it does make for good entertainment, but I never thought that it would create thoughts of desperation in us at all. WHY DOES EVERYBODY THINK THAT! I can tell he really likes this girl, but the thought of uncertainty for his near future stops him in his tracks. The question he has so long been waiting to ask is ringing in his head but he doesn't have the guts to tell it all. I don't have the answer to help him out.. Do you? DO YOU?

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