Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Only one more week left to the end of the course and it seems like everything happened in a flash. It would be another occasion where there would be many more occasions of trials and tribulations ahead in new and unchartered grounds. Looking forward to the changes that would happen for it seems I thrive on new challenges. While looking ahead, I would never fail to reminisce the ordeals and laughter that I shared with a bunch of men whom I called buddies, brothers and platoon mates for the past 9 months in the course. It would be unwise to underestimate the responsibilities I acquire after the 8 September 2007, for it would be then I see the immense pressure I would have to overcome as an officer. Cherishing every moment of my days towards the final farewell; To the place I have called home for the past 9 months of my life.

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