Friday, September 28, 2012

PE teacher's Exam Blues...

I need more pictures to upload cos these days apparently without any pictures people won't come to your blog. Anyway, the past few days has been rather dull, its not been the same without lessons and little action in the pe room. Everyone's walking around from class to class just enduring the day for invigilations. Spent alot of time talking to my colleagues though. Been fun knowing all the tips and tricks that they use to pass by the time at work. They would warn me that it can be rather stressful during the killer terms in term 1 and 2. Everybody would get sooo worked up and markings would be up to their deskload, not forgetting the committee work that we will be put through. Part and parcel of the experience they say, cause it can't get any worse.. Or can it? I'm pretty glad im starting to write again on my blog so I know my thoughts can be put out somewhere in the world to see. I won't really bother putting it up for the public to see but well, if there are people in the world interested then feel free:) Training has gone to another level for me because I've been focusing alot on strength training with calisthenics and other body weight exercises. Its my own personal experiment to test and see whether it can change my physique and surprisingly i've been observing results. My running fitness has been rather disappointing knowing that I've stopped running since the end of the 10k AHM race. It was one race I would not want to register for again. Got injured, lousy routes.. Just not the experience I would want for a race. I'm going to focus on my basic form again and emphasize on improving my aerobic fitness. I can understand why anyone needs to put in the discipline to train for triathlons. It can be a lonely road where few would ever thread and the road to success can be a roller coaster ride. Looking forward to my next post. Till then, paddleswimcyclerun to you!

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