Saturday, January 20, 2007


The past week has been a daunting one. One that kept me asking one hundred and one questions what my life became after I took on the role as a protector of the nationsince October last year. I think now I realise how much officers are supposed to take on huge roles and responsibilities. It is too much sometimes when they expect so much from us but then I realise my limitations and weaknesses when it those moments giving up kept knocking. Moments when your body almost shuts down on you but you are still pressing on with your mind. Moments when the weight of equipment on your shoulders take a back seat when you have to push on people weaker than you. Moments when you ask yourself why you are sacrificing your time and risking your life for something that has made you be thrown to a corner to fend for yourself. It is scary to conciously realise your reactions to people you do not like, instructors who treat you worse than dogs and people who just do not appreciate your work. But all the reactions comes as a choice and I will remember that a split second of that thought in my mind making that choice can make or break my life. Disciplined thought really create disciplined habits and disciplined habits really make an officer. I brought away alot of learning points in my previous week in OCS. I hope to see more. Good or bad I'll make the best of it. Press on Saffy, press on..

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