Sunday, April 22, 2007

Life's lessons from the field..

Before moving off for Pulau Tekong for the field camp, I was very rather excited about the fact that we had to build structures, carve fork and spoons and create an environment in the field where we would actually have to survive in. It was good to know that there were many technical things that we learnt before the field camp to familiarise ourselves to living in the conditions we were given. The expectations of the instructors were no less demanding than any other fieldcamp and I felt I was ready for the challenge.
Field camp day arrived and the week evolved from a orientation to water obstacle crossing exercise to the application of the survival techniques we have learnt in camp. Generally it was not so much about the technical stuff thatwas enlightening, however it was things about myself that I realised as I carried out my exercises with my group mates.
Throughout the 5 days, I already felt a challenge in terms of my mental capability to carry on in the exercises that requiredalot of mental determination to complete the tasks. I had to over come hunger, pain, stress, and other external factors which really pulled down my own morale. Then I learnt that focus was really all I needed to know that things had to be done.Focus and concentration is really important to control my emotions at any point in time. That was really important especially under thosecircumstances.
Moreover, it was important to realise how important teamwork was to complete tasks on time as well as to do it to the best of our ability in the harshest conditions. When people have differing opinions and capabilities, it is important to appreciate that they still serve an important role for being in the team and nobody should be left out of the equation at any point in time. That case was especially so in the case of Ex. Robinson Crusoe. Cooperation was vital to the team effort to complete the checkpoints. Everyone has to be willing to move together to proceed to our objective.
Motivation was something I learnt that was so evident in Ex. Robinson Crusoe. Firstly, the self motivation had to come from within myself before I could motivate others. I motivated myself knowing that I am doing this for the reason that I had a dutyto defend the nation, armed with the knowledge and capability to protect my family. That bigger reason pushed me like never before.I motivated the others through my actions of pushing on knowing that achieving this difficult feat as a team will bring us closer together. It really has to be intrinsic and it has to be cultivated before I even start to lead a group of 28 men.
I think I have also begun to see myself changing into a much more fulfilled personality who is learning so much more than I everthought I would. I am starting to see things from a perspective that is enlightening yet enjoyable. I learnt alot about myselfin those 5 days; lessons I will never forget.

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