Saturday, August 05, 2006


I had a great meeting with the committee for the class representative camp. The bunch of them were exceptional. I could see it in their eyes that they had the drive to create. The drive to lead. My last chance to lead a young bunch of students for an event. I had to make the best out of it, not for myself but for the future of engineering students and its student leaders. It was great to see that they were all very receptive to my beliefs and ideas. I really want them to understand how leading can be something much more rewarding when self is sacrificed for others. I really want them to succeed. I really want to them to fly.

Leading is an exceptional ability I believe everyone should learn in the course of their lifetime. It can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging skills anyone can learn. I honestly see myself as a leader and I am proud of it. To see followers truely understand the vision and goals that you set, you give them belief that they are in safe hands. To eventually have your followers emulate your thoughts and ideas; absolutely priceless.

I saw my life change in the past few months in thought, words and action. Mistakes have culminated in unfortunate incidents in the past and I vowed to not repeat the same mistakes. I truely understand how integrity is such an integral to a person's character and reputation.

Integrity can be defined easily: It is the act of what you think, becoming what you say, manifesting into what you do. Something I will practise till the day I die.

I am dedicated to helping team L.E.A.D to success. I know they will because I visualise with the end in mind. L.E.A.D camp will be success. With my thoughts, the universe will align itself to allow the manifestation of my desires. It will be a success. Nothing less. It will be a success..

Peace out people! Create the life you've always wanted! Believe..

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