Sunday, August 13, 2006


Life has just taken a 360 turn for me today when I realised so many others are less fortunate then me.. I realised the life I have been living was a selfish and thoughtless one. For 20 years, I thought I had been in an unfortunate state with my background, when I realised there were many more that had so little in life. I seemed to have redefined... my dreams.

Me and Grace helped a blind man to his way to the bus stop and waited till his bus came. I didn't know why but something came over me to just help him. He was struggling to make his way to the bus stop. That was the least I could do I guess. Many looked, but few expressed interest to even help. Sigh. I wonder what the world has become.

Must we be judged by how successful we are in academia? Must we be liked and welcomed only if we are of the same colour? Must we allow the people around us to depict what we should do? Questions just pop up in my head when I look at the people around me. It is scary the world I live in. When I see the strong bullying the weak, the heartless controlling the sincere. It is happening all around the world and most importantly it is happening all around me.

Reaching into my subconcious, I have let faith chart my course. My dreams will come true, for there will be a time when I am ready, success will come my way. I love the life I'm living, because if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room on this planet.

Love life, Live it!

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