Thursday, July 06, 2006

End of World Cup = End of betting drama??

What a surprise! France VS Italy for the FIFA World Cup 2006 trophy. Didn't think the copa de mundial made a real big impact on me casue I guess it flew by so fast. World cup fever is finally going to end soon and finally no one will talk about betting around me anymore. Seems so cliched that everyone would start to talk about betting once it started. Has it always been like this? DO many accept the reality that betting can get them any riches in life? What has happened to working hard to earn that money? Does luck always determine a person's fate in financial affairs? Would striking lottery make them any happier? Is it so exciting to win $10, just to lose $50 again? These friends of mine are only in their teens, not earning any real money yet. What would happen in the near future, when they do earn this money? I begin to wonder how much they will actually squander off in the pursuit of instant gratification. I wonder how their lives would look like. I just wonder..

Betting; The way of life of many a Singaporean, the way of life to many believe seem to be the path of the riches they had always WISH for. Betting is entirely against my values and I choose not to. Football is much better off without it.

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