Thursday, July 20, 2006

Singapore Idol? You sure or not?

OMG! Would you believe that people like that would actually let their faces be shown on National TV when half the the top 12 can't even differentiate between an A note and an F note or whatever it is they use in music lah! I did not have a choice but to hear these totally mindless young punks "sing" their way to "idolhood" in the bus on the way to Bugis. Please note, I DID NOT HAVE A CHOICE! THESE PEOPLE CAN'T SING FOR NUTS! It was a torturing for 20 minutes at least.. Trust me! Seems like only Nurul Maideen may top the voting charts. I doubt anyone else deserves it.

Did you Know?
Singapore Idol should be called Singapore Shameless from now on..

He's MY IDOL damn it! Please TV Mobile.. Spare my ears!!

A RIDDLE for you.. (highlight below the questions for the answer!)
What do you call young, good for nothing and shameless wannabes on stage?
The final 11 of the Singapore "idol" contestants

TAke care people and so long.. Good bye Singapore Idol.. hello Singapore Shameless!

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